Some Quick Fixes for SEO Boosts to Increase Ranking

While your SEO strategy should have a long-term focus, there are things you can do in the shorter-term that could have an impact on your rankings. Reviewing upcoming trends can often be the key so we thought we would summarise some areas in which you could focus your attention. Some of these are reactive and will depend on the current circumstances within your business area.

  1. Start a New Topic or Subject – It is really difficult to create original content in the modern day. There isn’t really a subject that has not been written about in some form on the internet. You name it, it has been done! Coming up with a unique way to present information is often the key and can be massively beneficial to your SEO score. Additionally, new content on a new subject may increase leads and lead to new potential customers for your products or services.
  2. Focus on the Keyword – What we mean by this is finding keywords that are not being used by your competitors and adapting them to fit in with your content. Keyword research is imperative to most SEO strategies normally but you can gain a competitive edge by thinking outside the box. Try and research what your competitors are not doing and find a way to use this to your advantage.
  3. Social Interaction Analysis – This sounds complicated but it really isn’t. This is simply monitoring your competitor’s social media accounts and profiles and these days Facebook analytics and others allow for complex analysis of engagement from customers. The key is to keep your eyes open for opportunities to offer their audience a better experience. Looking out for complaints or dissatisfied customers and then responding with an offer via a direct message can often be the key to sourcing some new leads.
  4. Focus on Internal Events – This can encompass pretty much anything and links to our 1st point about creating new content subjects. If you are about to release new products or hire a notable executive from another company, then write about it! SMEs tend to keep these aspects of their business quiet when really they should be promoting every aspect of the business as this can increase brand awareness and generate additional traffic.
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