Modern Web Design Tips

Standing out from the crowd in today’s landscape is challenging for a lot of website owners. Modern website design is more complex than ever so we’ve listed 6 tips to help your website excel in 2016.

  1. Social Media Icons – These do not need to be plastered over every single web page your site has to offer. Use them tactically on those pages where you desire the content to be shared the most such as blog posts or creative content. For social media icons, simplicity is the key!
  2. Scale to Success – With a more diverse range of screen sizes available to consumers, having a website that scales effectively on multiple devices or screen sizes really increases the potential to reach a bigger audience. Spend time ensuring that your website scales on multiple devices so that your page looks just as good on laptop as it does on a mobile phone or tablet.
  3. Animation is King – Modern website design in 2016 usually involves a bit of animation at some stage or another. Rich animation with a bit of sound is sometimes they key towards successfully navigating the user to your sites main point of action. Consider adopting this approach as long as it is not at the expense of site performance.
  4. Ghost Buttons – These are common yet effective at improving CTA response rate as well as letting your websites branding shine through. Evidence suggests that they are effective due to their pleasant design, elegance and the fact that they are easy to implement and load pretty quickly.
  5. Cards are Key – Cards boast similar results to the ghost buttons mentioned above in the sense that they follow material design. This means that they are simple and flat but give the site a sense of mobility, hierarchy and order. Essentially they display the content on your site in simple bitesize chunks!
  6. Interaction is the Difference – Modern websites need to keep users immersed in the site. Micro-interactions go a long way to help retain customer engagement. A micro-interaction is anything that keeps a user engaging such as clicking a social media notification or like a picture on Instagram.

If you’d like any further information on implementing these design tips then talk to us!

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